The AOH National Board, led by Worthy President Sean Pender and Washington, DC State President Don Connolly, led the Hibernians in the following activities on Thursday, January 23rd, and Friday, January 24th.
On Thursday evening at 6:00 PM, the National Hibernian delegation including President Sean Pender, Vice President Liam McNabb, Secretary Ray Lynch, and Treasurer Dan Diviney traveled to St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth, and Families in Hyattsville, MD, just outside of Washington DC. The delegation met with Sister Nancy Downing, CEO of St. Ann’s Center, and Sue Flaherty, Vice President of Development. At a roundtable meeting, Sr. Nancy told the story of St. Ann’s Center that reaches back to 1860. The Hibernians in attendance listened with admiration and amazement as Sr. Nancy spoke about the wonderful programs supported by St. Anns that includes care for vulnerable children, mothers, and families and works to achieve lasting independence and stability by providing a safe and supportive home, childcare, education and employment assistance, as well as clinical and social work services within a Catholic community that welcomes all. Washington, DC President, Don Connolly also spoke about the relationship the AOH with St. Ann’s for the past five years. Don was also responsible for arranging the meeting with St. Ann’s. Sr. Nancy and Sue Flaherty then took the delegation on a brief tour of the facility that included rooms and dining areas used by families, day care areas that provide childcare for women who are working or attending classes to improve their employment opportunities. The tour concluded with the AOH presenting Sr. Nancy with a check in the amount of $5,000.00, which will establish the AOH as a major sponsor for St. Ann’s Spring Gala fundraiser in May. Other Hibernians present also included Keith Reynolds, National Director, PJ Morgan Pro Life Committee Chairman for Florida, Denny Parks National Oversight Committee Chairman, and Larry Squires National Pro Life Committee Chairman.
On Friday morning, The AOH held its annual March for Life Breakfast and Mass before heading to the AOH meeting place at Constitution Avenue N.W. and 7th Street N.W. to wait for the March for Life to begin. This year, the breakfast was held at the Irish Channel Restaurant and Pub at 500 H Street N.W. and featured Kristan Hawkins, CEO of Students for Life and Sr. Nancy Downing of St. Ann’s Center. Videos for both speakers are available at the AOH YouTube website. Worthy President Sean Pender began with a brief word about why the AOH supports Pro Life Efforts and underscored the AOH commitment the brave women who choose life and their babies by supporting multiple women and family homes, like St. Ann’s. across the country. President Pender also spoke out about the wonderful experience adoption has been for him and his family. Larry Squires, National AOH Chairman introduced Kristan Hawkins, after reading her impressive bio, and Don Connolly introduced St. Nancy Dowling, after a brief memorial and moment of silence for our late Brother Jack O’Brien, who was a pillar of support for the breakfast and was a model Hibernian. In attendance at the breakfast were representative Hibernians from Colorado, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey. At 11:30 AM, all Hibernians and their guests attended the AOH March for Life Mass at St. Mary Mother of God Parish, across the street from the Irish Channel. Holy Mass was celebrated by Virginia AOH Chaplain Fr. Kevin Fields and New York Chaplain Fr. Henry Reid. The priests were assisted by chaplain Deacon Steve Mitchell.
After marching down Constitution Avenue and past the Supreme Court, the Hibernians circled up at the Dubliner Pub for refreshments and camaraderie. Next year, the Breakfast and March will be held on Friday, January 23rd , 2026. Please mark your calendar now, and join us in Washington, DC.