from Mike Joyce, Southwest Liaison …
Divisions are active in the Southwest as the “Green Season” provided for some opportunities to showcase the AOH. In Austin, TX the Monsignor Richard McCabe Division held it’s 4th annual Stew Cookoff at B.D. Riley’s Pub. Over $900 was raised with funds benefiting the St. Gabriel Project. Texas has seen phenomenal growth as a colony has formed in Dallas, TX and expects to charter a new division in August of this year. Speaking of new divisions, congratulations are in order to the men of Phoenix, AZ on the new division founded there on April 23rd, 2019. A convention of the Southwestern States is being called this summer, August 16-18 in Dallas, TX. Men from Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas are invited and those brothers from all across the country are most welcome to join us. Contact Southwest Liaison Mike Joyce for more details,