from Dan Dennehy, National Director …

I was honored to participate in the Annual New York County Francis P. Beirne Division 9 Golf Outing was held in Van Cortlandt Golf Club, the oldest public course in America in late June. The Francis P Beirne / Frank McGreal Memorial Golf Outing remembers two late great Officers of the Division and is a family affair for the Beirne and McGreal families along with many friends. The Division is named for the former Chairman of the New York St Patricks Parade. This year, the golf attendees were introduced to three of its newest members, all grandchildren of the late Frankie Beirne! New York State Treasurer Tom Beirne welcomed his son Sean, Division Vice President Martin Beirne welcomed his son Liam, and their brother FDNY Emerald Society Vice President Frank Beirne Jr. welcomed his son Robert! Brother Members and first cousins Sean, Liam and Robert are 3rd generation Hibernians and were sworn in recently along with 5 other young community leaders to this legendary Hibernian Division based in New York City.