Two hundred and sixty-nine children from St. Francis of Assisi, Holy Family and Sacred Heart parishes in Prince William County participated in the Fr. Judge Division expanded coloring contest. Judges selected first-, second- and third-place winners for each of the five grades as well as one grand-prize winner. Winners received a T-shirt, St. Patrick Holy Card and their framed entry. The presentation ceremony followed Mass attended by the children from the three parishes, their parents and program coordinators.
This was the second annual contest, inspired when Dan Sullivan and Harry Flynn learned about the Louisville Division’s contest presented at the 2018 National Convention. Division coordinator Flynn said: “Our success with the program is due to the great support from Louisville AOH contest coordinator Bill Moriarity.” Flynn and Sullivan promote a county-wide program to significantly increase IAHM awareness, provide a fun and educational opportunity for children, and bolster AOH recruiting efforts.