In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus’s Transfiguration. During our Lenten journey, we are called to be transformed and hear God’s voice tell us, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” Like those first disciples, we can become afraid but we acknowledge how good it is to be here with the Lord.
Do you remember a time when someone or something changed before your eyes and even though you were afraid, you saw the beauty of that moment? Jesus’s transfiguration is a glimpse of transformation to which we are all called to experience in the resurrection. However, we are called to live day by day, remembering that God is faithful to his promise. While we must endure many fears, hardships, and pain on our journey of life, the only thing that will endure is God’s love for us.
The call of God is not just for us to have a mountain-top experience but to live this mountain-top experience on the ground in the midst of those who hunger and thirst to hear that they are God’s beloved. We will forever hold sacred and be encouraged on our faith journey by our experience and memory of Jesus, transfigured and broken for us. We worship Jesus as one who was sent from God to show us what it means to be human. Jesus invites us, with our many weaknesses, to grow in holiness. We may not see great visions, but we must still follow God faithfully. Without faith, we cannot please God.
No matter what’s going on in your life, God is in control. Never lose heart. Do not be afraid. God’s plan for our lives will always lead us through whatever we are experiencing. We trust in the power of God to see us through this difficult and uncertain time. During this season of Lent, we are called to be the dream of God living in this world. Our transfiguration comes when we are willing to place before God all that blinds us and keeps us from trusting him.
We need a revival. A moment to lift our voices with strength and call on the name of the Lord. Let this moment be our moment of transfiguration. We ask God to break the chains that bind us! We ask God to speak a healing word into our lives. We ask God to lead us and guide us on this journey as we strive to change. Jesus is pardon for the sinner and a shepherd who invites us to listen. We all can change. We are never alone. God’s mission has a church and a people who seek what is right and just. We are his pilgrim people following Jesus, the one who God calls his beloved.
Our lives are filled with transfigurations and change. These moments can cause us fear, surprise, and hope. We are called to be attentive to moments where God is revealed in our lives. We are called to open our eyes and hearts to deepen our relationship with Jesus in our lives.
Let us continue to pray for one another
James Russell
Catholic Action Chairperson
National AOH