Congressman Eliot Engel Representative Eliot L. Engel, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement on Malachy McAllister being taken into custody for removal from the United States: “I am outraged that the Trump Administration is kicking Malachy McAllister out of the United States. He first fled Belfast in 1998 during the Troubles and came to this country fleeing attempts on his life and the lives of his family." “Now, despite strong bipartisan and bicameral advocacy from Congress about his model contributions to American society, Mr. … [Read more...] about Rep. Eliot Engel, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Statement on McAllister Deportation
Statement from Senator Robert Menendez on Deportation of Malachy McAllister
Senator Robert Menendez “Today is a sad day for the McAllister family and New Jersey’s Irish community. Deporting a community leader who poses no national security or public safety threat is not only a clear injustice, but also contrary to our nation’s values,” Sen. Menendez said. “By forcefully deporting Mr. McAllister to a place he fled because his life was put in danger, the Trump Administration is showing the immorality of their indiscriminate immigration policies.” “This man’s deportation is shameful and will not make America safer. Mr. McAllister is a good man who built a life for … [Read more...] about Statement from Senator Robert Menendez on Deportation of Malachy McAllister
Congressman Pascrell Condemns McAllister Deportation
Congressman Bill Pascrell PATERSON, NJ – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) today condemned the Trump’s administration’s deportation of Malachy McAllister, an Irish national and longtime resident of New Jersey’s Ninth Congressional District. “For over 20 years, Malachy McAllister has been a valuable part of our North Jersey community. His roots are in New Jersey. America is where he belongs. His deportation at Trump’s hand is a heartless decision and separates a man with medical issues from his family for no good reason that puts him and his family at risk. For years, my office has … [Read more...] about Congressman Pascrell Condemns McAllister Deportation
Representative Peter King Speaks out on McAllister Deportation
Congressman Peter King (Malachy McAllister) has resided in the United States for over 20 years as a valued member of his community. It is regrettable that the Department of Homeland Security has chosen to ignore the life Mr. McAllister has built for himself and his family in the United States, along with his tireless advocacy for the Irish Peace Process. Instead, they only focus on an association he gave up long ago. … [Read more...] about Representative Peter King Speaks out on McAllister Deportation
Congressman Tom Suozzi on Malachy McAllister Deportation
Congressman Tom Suozzi "Mr. McAllister fled Northern Ireland during the Troubles and sought political asylum in the United States based on past persecution and fears that his life would be in danger if he returned home. In the nearly 40 years since Mr. McAllister fled, he has laid deep roots and become a valued and upstanding member of the community." “Mr. McAllister has built a life here, starting a family, and contributing to the fabric of our communities in the United States. He has been a vocal proponent of the Irish peace process. He helped urge the Irish-American community to … [Read more...] about Congressman Tom Suozzi on Malachy McAllister Deportation
A Message From Malachy McAllister To His Friends As He Reported For Deportation
The below video, recorded by Sean Claffery, are of comments made by Malachy McAllister as he reported for deportation after a 24 years of residence, contribution and service to the American Community. video by Sean Claffery … [Read more...] about A Message From Malachy McAllister To His Friends As He Reported For Deportation
Freedom for all Ireland video chat with Belfast National Graves Association Featuring Joe Austin, Chairperson of Belfast National Graves Association, and Bik McFarlane, Members of Belfast NGA. About today's Guests: Joe Austin is a Sinn Fein activist. In addition to being Chairperson of Belfast NGA, Joe is a former SF Belfast City Councillor. Joe was a key liaison between the Hunger-Strikers, Republican POW's and the Republican leadership outside Long Kesh. Bik McFarlane is a Sinn Fein activist. A former Republican POW in Long Kesh Cages and the H-Blocks. Bik was OC for Republican POW's during the second Hunger-Strike. He … [Read more...] about Freedom for all Ireland video chat with Belfast National Graves Association
Charities and Missions Update – June 2020
In this time of continued uncertainty brought on by the COVID virus, and the civil unrest currently unfolding in cities around our country, our continued focus on extending charity, supporting unity, and reinforcing old and building new friendships is increasingly important. It bears repeating, that the Ancient Order of Hibernians has always risen to the challenge of providing for those in need. Whether it be money, food, time, clothing--even support of civility among our fellow Americans, members of the Ancient Order have risen to the occasion. In these trying times we have bothers acting as … [Read more...] about Charities and Missions Update – June 2020
A chairde: FFAI ISSUES UPDATE A -- Catholic Bishops, legal scholars and justice campaigners slam British plan on legacy killings -- Four Catholic Bishops, legal experts and justice campaigners slammed British plans on crown legacy killings, accusing Britain of "bad faith" and "rewriting the rules of justice." Instead of an Historical Investigations Unit investigating hundreds of controversial killings, including British trooper killings, Britain wants only a review by their appointed "independent body". This panel would close all cases, unless they saw "new compelling evidence and a … [Read more...] about FFAI BULLETIN – May 2020
AOH Pipers Rally Those on the COVID-19 Frontline
For hundreds of years, the skirl of the pipes have been used to call communities to action against a common foe, to summon courage and to boost morale when hope was challenged. So effective were the pipes in uniting and inspiring people that the English once banned them. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, AOH Division 3, Pearl River member Dermot Moore and his sons have played a nightly tribute at 7:00 PM, a time at which it has now become a tradition to honor those on the front lines of the COVID-19 fight, and to remember those whom this insidious disease has claimed. … [Read more...] about AOH Pipers Rally Those on the COVID-19 Frontline
All Across America The AOH Answers The Call
Brothers, on April 14, 2020, a Hibernian call to action went out for Hibernian Hunger. During this time of COVID-19, with massive job losses across the country and the need for food assistance growing every day, the AOH, never forgetting what happened to our ancestors during An Gorta Mor is stepping up all across the country with donations to local food banks and helping to feed front line workers. Here are just a few of the donations: In Milwaukee, WI, the brothers of the Father William J. Kelly Division donated $500 to the Milwaukee Hunger Task Force. In Wheeling, WV, the brothers … [Read more...] about All Across America The AOH Answers The Call
Call to Action: Hibernian Hunger
AOH Divisions to Help Local Food Bank's Brothers, We are calling on all divisions, large and small, to support your local Food Bank's! Traditional donations of product to food banks isn't the best way to help during COVID 19. DONATIONS OF MONEY OVER PRODUCT WILL BE MORE PRODUCTIVE. Financial donations will get the most bang for your buck as local food banks work with manufacturers, retailers and even farmers to obtain healthy food at the best price. Q: With schools closed, how are children getting meals? 1: Nearly 55 million students are out of school as districts across the … [Read more...] about Call to Action: Hibernian Hunger
Call to Action: AOH Division Telephone Tree
Brothers, We are calling on all divisions large and small to establish a telephone tree and utilize it immediately and throughout this Pandemic. Start at the top with your officers, divide your membership into reasonable call lists. Pull in your future leaders to assist. Establish weekly contact between all members. Hibernians call Hibernians. The purpose it to continue our fellowship and check on the health and welfare of our brothers. 1) Are you doing OK? 2) Is there anything you need help with? Groceries, etc. *arrange help if necessary. 3) Discuss Hibernian Success Stories, … [Read more...] about Call to Action: AOH Division Telephone Tree
FFAI BULLETIN – April 2020
A chairde: FFAI ISSUES UPDATE A-Search continues for new Irish government coalition after Sinn Fein surprise in February election- Nearly two months after an election producing a three way split between, Fianna Fail, Sinn Fein and Fine Gael, the leader and composition of the new Irish government are still unknown. Sinn Féin gained 14 seats, and now holds 37,with Fianna Fail at 38,and Fine Gael at 35 seats. At least 80 seats are needed for a government majority and no party is close..The Dáil (Irish parliament)met on February 20th but no one had the votes to form a new government. Outgoing … [Read more...] about FFAI BULLETIN – April 2020
Embrace Your Irish Heritage, Say It on The Census!
Amidst the current healthcare crisis, we can not lose the importance of the United States Census to Irish America. Results of the U.S. 2020 Census will influence individuals, communities, governments, for-profit entities, and nonprofit organizations throughout the next decade. Data obtained will inform decision-makers in all sectors and lead to the allocation of political power and financial resources. For the first time in many years, the Census form will have a question on Ethnic Origins (question 9 for the Head of household, question 7 for remaining household members). … [Read more...] about Embrace Your Irish Heritage, Say It on The Census!
AOH: U.K. Using COVID-19 To Cover Breaking Good Friday Commitments Reprehensible
In a letter to newly appointed Northern Ireland Special Envoy Mick Mulvaney, the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) call on Mr. Mulvaney to express opposition to Britain's intention not to investigate the majority of the 2,000 unsolved killings from the conflict known as "the Troubles" and to grant immunity from prosecution to members of Britain's Security Forces. The Hibernians question why these actions in contravention to the Good Friday Agreement are being pursued by Britain at a time when the world is focused on the COVID-19 Crisis. " On March 18 th , Secretary of … [Read more...] about AOH: U.K. Using COVID-19 To Cover Breaking Good Friday Commitments Reprehensible
In order for us to be together, we must remain apart for now.
We find ourselves in humbling times. These times are unlike anything we've seen in over a century. I find it admirable that those who choose to “self-quarantine” or “shelter in place” or practice “extreme social distancing” are doing so now. Many of which are blessed or uniquely skilled, with situations that allow them to practice such measures (my wife and I included.) We are thankful that our employers are being proactive, allowing for the flexibility. Soon, we believe it will be “mandatory” in a sense, to practice some sort of familial isolation, as fines for gathering are doled … [Read more...] about In order for us to be together, we must remain apart for now.
AOH-LAOH National Convention Update
Brothers and Sisters, As we all deal with Covid-19, we must each do what is best for our families. We must also follow the directions of our local, state and national governments and health departments, and try to keep a semblance of normalcy in our daily lives. As cabin fever sets in, we are all looking forward to life beyond the virus. As Hibernians, we will continue to work on our National Convention at the Rosen Centre in Orlando Florida, July 22 – 25, 2020. Our hope is, we will have the opportunity to celebrate our faith and Irish heritage together again during the convention. Also, … [Read more...] about AOH-LAOH National Convention Update
AOH Condemns NY Governor’s Irish Accent Stunt, Cancellation of Beloved NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade No Time for Paddywhackery
The Ancient Order of Hibernians are shocked and disappointed that during a 3/11 press conference dealing with the response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and the heartbreaking announcement that for the first time in 258 years the NY St. Patrick's Day parade will not take place on March 17th that NY Governor Andrew Cuomo decided that this was an appropriate time to engage in stereotypical stage-Irishmanism. In response to a question from a reporter concerning what authority he was invoking to cancel the NYC St. Patrick's Day parade, the Governor decided to go for a cheap … [Read more...] about AOH Condemns NY Governor’s Irish Accent Stunt, Cancellation of Beloved NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade No Time for Paddywhackery
AOH Statement on the Appointment of Special Envoy to Northern Ireland
The Ancient Order of Hibernians wish to congratulate Mr. Mulvaney on his appointment as Special Envoy to Northern Ireland. The Hibernians also thank President Trump for fulfilling his promised commitment to maintaining this crucial diplomatic position, reaffirming the United States' commitment to the Good Friday Agreement and the Northern Ireland peace process. It is highly appropriate that President Trump has announced this appointment shortly after proclaiming March as "Irish American Heritage Month"; a time when America reflects on the oldest of American "special … [Read more...] about AOH Statement on the Appointment of Special Envoy to Northern Ireland