In a recent vote your national board has designated Hibernian Charities as the recipient of all proceeds from the Label Program. The largest benefactor will be Project St. Patrick demonstrating our commitment to our clergy. Other programs that will be shored up include the Irish Way Scholarship, the Study Abroad Scholarship and National History Day.
AOH Label Appeal needs you to succeed!
Everyone should have your labels in hand. Please take a minute today and send your donation to help continue the tradition of the AOH making a difference since 1936! Your Support will provide direct assistance to our Hibernian Charities.
Please be sure this is a topic during your next division, county and state board meeting. Your encouragement of this program will have a direct impact on our success.
Send your donation today to: Danny O’Connell, AOH National Vice President, 340 E Kline Street, Girard, Ohio 44420.
Remember, if there are any changes in your address or corrections to your name, contact your financial secretary today and have the corrected Form 40 sent to the National AOH Office.