Brother Hibernian: H. RES. 596, introduced by Hibernian Brother Mike Lawler, calls for the restoration of power-sharing in Northern Ireland. It is a critical step in addressing the ongoing political stalemate and maintaining the progress to peace in the north of Ireland, started 25 years ago by the Good Friday Agreement. The devolved Stormont Assembly has been in collapse since February 3, 2022, denying the people of Northern Ireland their democratically elected voice in their local government. Unconscionably, the reason for this rift is an internal party dispute between the current British government and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) over the implementation of Brexit. The DUP supported Brexit, despite the broader Northern Irish Community rejecting it by 56% at the polls. Now, the DUP is cynically holding democracy in Northern Ireland hostage over ‘buyers regret’ on its implementation by their allies in Westminster. As members of the AOH, we have a deep and abiding commitment to the pursuit of justice, peace, and unity in the north of Ireland. The collapse of the Stormont Assembly and the resulting undermining of confidence in the peaceful institution of government and the Good Friday Agreement pose a significant threat to the progress made toward peace in Northern Ireland. We ask you to take less than 5 minutes to ask your Congressional Representative to cosponsor H. RES. 596 and reaffirm the U.S. commitment to peaceful governance in Northern Ireland. Please go to this link, enter your contact details and it will bring up a template letter to you Congressional Representative, click send and you have made an important contribution to peace in the north of Ireland! I thank you in advance for your support. I also ask that you please share this call to action with your fellow Hibernians, friends, and relatives and ask them also to call. “Injustice anywhere is a treat to justice everywhere” and “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Neil F. Cosgrove National Political Education Chair, AOH |