From President Brendan Moore: The expression "Out of sight, out of mind" is often, but not always true. It is certainly not true in the case of the AOH's association with Bishop Dorsey. Many of us recall the fact that he served two terms as AOH National Chaplain during the "Gilligan Years." His selection was a brilliant choice on the part of Tom Gilligan. Bishop Dorsey brought not only a quiet eloquence to his role, but gifts of sincerity, piety, and intellect as well. During those four years as National Chaplain, his commitment to our Order never wavered, despite the fact that his … [Read more...] about The Passing of Bishop Norbert Dorsey
AOH Car Rental Discount
Through the efforts of Brother Brian Burke of Commodore John Barry Division 2 in Syracuse, NY, the AOH has been able to partner with the Avis/Budget Group to offer our members discounts on car rentals. The discounts are available nationwide, 24/7, at all Avis and/or Budget locations. On average, the discounts will run between 10 to 20 percent, and will vary with location and season. For Avis use code # AWD = X265800 and for Budget use code # BCD = A766200. Happy traveling. … [Read more...] about AOH Car Rental Discount
2013 State Convention List
2013 State Conventions will take place at various times between May and October. This list is constantly updated, so please check with the local committees before attending a convention. All conventions are open to Hibernians in good standing. Please Click Here to Download the 2013 State Convention List … [Read more...] about 2013 State Convention List
A Call to Action to have the Smithsonian to Recognize Irish American Heritage Month
The AOH continues to work to have Irish American Heritage Month recognized and commemorated by our public institutions with the same level of commitment as they recognize other heritages. In particular, the Smithsonian Institute, which claims to be America’s leading educational institution, honors with extensive programs Black History Month, Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month and American Indian Heritage Month but continues to ignore Irish American Heritage Month. We have tried to engage the administration of the Smithsonian several times, and have met with what … [Read more...] about A Call to Action to have the Smithsonian to Recognize Irish American Heritage Month
AOH, IAUC & Brehon Appeal to Kerry and Menendez
NY, NY & Wash. D. C. Feb. 10th The leaders of the most active Irish-American groups in the U. S. renewed their attack on Britain's subpoena of records from the Irish archives of Boston College. The two year battle has involved a challenge by the Belfast Project researchers Ed Moloney & Anthony McIntyre to the misuse of the U. S.-U. K. Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) and 20 Members of Congress who not only share their concern but question Britain's commitment to the Irish peace process. The confirmation of Senator John Kerry as Secretary of State and the elevation of … [Read more...] about AOH, IAUC & Brehon Appeal to Kerry and Menendez
Consider a Day of Action
By Neil Cosgrove As I write this with the threat of a snow storm hitting the New York area, I must report that the first sign of Spring has been cited. It is not the first robin or the crocuses sprouting, but the sighting of the first defaming “St. Paddy’s Day” [sic] shirts at the local mall. From all reports this years’ crop looks to plum new lows. Among the shirts spotted were: ”Want to Get Lucky With an Irish Girl?”, “ Irish Food Stamps” (depicting chits with beer mugs on them) and “Did you hear the one about an Irishman who left a bar?...Nah, me neither”. Of course there were also the … [Read more...] about Consider a Day of Action
President's Message: "On Moving Forward"
By the time you receive this edition of the Hibernian Digest we will be well into 2013, but I still want to wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year on behalf of your National Board. As 2012 drew to a close, much of the focus was on Northern Ireland issues. While Britain’s Da Silva Report into the decades-ago assassination of attorney Patrick Finucane clearly pointed to security forces colluding with loyalist paramilitaries, there was an obvious attempt to avoid any hint that such collusion had been sanctioned by the higher/ highest reaches of the British government. In addition, the AOH … [Read more...] about President's Message: "On Moving Forward"
National Chaplain's Message
The Lenten Season is upon us. It is a good time to be reminded that we as an organization must be Christ-bearers or intercessors for Him. Eight-year-old Jimmy was acting up. He refused to do what he was told to do, and did about everything he was told not to do. In desperation his father finally sent him off to bed before the dessert was served. Just then a neighbor dropped in. He always liked Jimmy, and after a while he asked the parents if he could talk to the boy. With a prayer in his heart he reminded the lad that his disobedience displeased his parents and made them sad. Especially it … [Read more...] about National Chaplain's Message
One of the Best Hibernian Traditions
by Ed Wallace, PNP In the Penal Days, our ancestors stood guard to protect the Roman Catholic clergy as they celebrated the holy sacrifice of the Mass for the disenfranchised Irish. In the days of Nativist Bigotry, our immigrant forebears stood guard around Catholic churches to safeguard our clergy from the anti-Catholic Know Nothings. As they were needed then, we are needed now! Today, violence has diminished, but the need to protect our clerical tradition is just as great, if not greater. This time the enemy is economic. The number of applicants to the religious life is decreasing each … [Read more...] about One of the Best Hibernian Traditions
Nollaig Sona Duit
The National Board would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2013. … [Read more...] about Nollaig Sona Duit
President's Message: On Moving Forward
We seem to be addicted to meetings. A necessary evil, meetings in whatever form are essential to the smooth running of the AOH and the attainment of its goals and purposes. The October 2nd National Board conference call focused on projects and issues that are being addressed by your National Board. National Vice President Jim McKay reported that the AOH Labels Program is not only up and running, but donations received to date were surpassing previous early stage amounts. (Please promote the AOH by using our labels on your mail and sending your donation to support National Board charitable … [Read more...] about President's Message: On Moving Forward
Irish Central: 400 Irish reach out again to help distressed areas after Hurricane Sandy
400 Irish volunteers descended on Rockaway and other areas slammed by Hurricane Sandy on Saturday for a Christmas Meitheal (helping neighbors in need). They fanned out to several stricken sites led by the Ancient Order of Hibernians who organized a massive manpower effort to help damaged areas. It was the second time in two months that the irish community had come together to help out those in need after the hurricane. Read more: … [Read more...] about Irish Central: 400 Irish reach out again to help distressed areas after Hurricane Sandy
Steps To Follow Post Hurricane
The steps that residents need to take that were impacted by Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy are as follows: 1. Contact their homeowners insurance to start a claim 2. Contact their flood insurance company if they have to start a claim 3. Register for FEMA disaster assistance. They can go to a Disaster Recovery Center , register online at or via smart phone at, or call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or (TTY) 1-800-462-7585. If they use 711-relay or Video Relay Services (VRS) call 1-800-621-3362. 4. Once registered, FEMA will sent … [Read more...] about Steps To Follow Post Hurricane
Storm Relief Supplies Requested
Below is a list of requested supplies for the affected areas. To help donate these supplies in New York contact NY State Secretary Tim McSweeney at or NYS Past President Chip McLean at and in New Jersey contact NJ State President Sean Pender at Water Blankets Baby Items/Diapers Toiletries Clothing Baby Food Flashlights/ Batteries Gloves (any … [Read more...] about Storm Relief Supplies Requested
AOH Storm Relief Fund
Many parts of the Northeast have been devastated. Hurricane Sandy has left us with unimaginable misery in terms of destruction, dislocation, and despair. Areas with extremely high concentrations of Hibernians truly resemble war zones where dark and heatless homes faced this frigid morning with temperatures averaging 25 degrees. I realize you have seen the tremendous loss on TV. A neighbor of mine told me that when a newscaster showed people burning their own furniture to stay warm, he had to stop looking at the evening news. But we, as Hibernians, cherish an Irish Catholic legacy that … [Read more...] about AOH Storm Relief Fund
March For Life – January 25, 2013
Hibernians Respect Life! Come Stand up for LIFE and march with your Hibernian Brothers, Sisters and Friends The March for Life Washington D.C. Friday, January 25, 2013 Breakfast at the Irish Channel 9:00am $25 500 H Street Northwest, Washington, DC, (202) 216‐0046 Special AOH rate at the Fairfield Inn and Suites $179 500 H Street Northwest, Washington, DC (202) 289‐5959 Click Here To Download Flyer … [Read more...] about March For Life – January 25, 2013
Statement From AOH National President Brendan Moore
Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Sandy up and down the East Coast. Many AOH Brothers and LAOH Sisters from Delaware to New England experienced some sort of power loss or property damage. We hope they will recover quickly. The AOH National Board is examining - through the Hibernian Charity - how best to be of assistance. We will have more information on it within the next week. For now, please say a prayer for those who live in the disaster areas, so the Good Lord will protect those who are without the basic essentials of life and may He guide the rescue to a quick … [Read more...] about Statement From AOH National President Brendan Moore
AOH Discount in Limerick, Ireland
The Greenhills Hotel in Co. Limerick is offering a special rate for AOH members. The special AOH guaranteed rate would be €40pps per night Bed/Breakfast, this would include use of our leisure centre and complimentary car parking for the Bus. They will also include a dinner rate of €20 per night if required per person. If a group is large enough they can organize some traditional music at night in the Bar for the group. The Greenhills Hotel can be contacted at: Ennis Road, Caherdavin Co. Limerick City, Ireland General Manager Daphne Greene Phone: 061 453033 Email: … [Read more...] about AOH Discount in Limerick, Ireland
Letter to USA Today from Anti-Defamation Chair
The below letter is from Anti-Defamation Chair Neil Cosgrove to the publisher of USA Today concerning the coverage of Katie Taylor's Gold Medal win at the Olympics. This letter was written before she won the Gold. Mr. Larry Kramer , President and Publisher USA TODAY Headquarters 7950 Jones Branch Drive McLean, VA 22108 Phone: 703-854-3400 Fax: 703-854-2049 Dear Mr. Kramer: The Irish people and Irish Americans are cheering and taking rightful pride in the accomplishments of Olympian Katie Taylor. As a woman boxer, she is defying conventional perception of what a woman may … [Read more...] about Letter to USA Today from Anti-Defamation Chair
National Convention a Huge Success
By Michael McCormack and Ned McGinley More than 2,000 AOH and LAOH delegates, selected by their peers from all over the United States, assembled at Turning Stone Resort and Casino, on land that was once home to the six nations of the Iroquois Federation near Syracuse, New York, to hold the 96th Biennial Convention of their 176-year old Order. On Monday an Opening Mass began the proceedings, as always, with our Irish Catholic Heritage prominently on display celebrated by the Bishop Robert Cunningham. Immediately following the Mass the Icebreaker “Taste of New York” was the opening … [Read more...] about National Convention a Huge Success