Download the 2013 FFAI Christmas Appeal Packet Here … [Read more...] about 2013 FFAI Packet
2014 AOH Ireland Tour
Thursday April 17th thru Sunday April 27th Costs: Double Occupancy $1075* Single $1425 Working with Derry Blue Badge Tours we have once again put together a historical/political and educational tour of the North for 2014. Space is limited to 30 travelers; reservations will only be held based on receipt of non refundable deposits. Air transportation is … [Read more...] about 2014 AOH Ireland Tour
2014 Barry Dedication
We are fast approaching yet one more pivotal event in the long and glorious history of The Ancient Order of Hibernians in America. I refer to the Dedication of the Commodore John Barry Memorial to take place on May 10, 2014, at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. The inspiration, impetus, and persistence to see this important undertaking to fruition must be attributed to two of our AOH Brothers, John McInerney and Jack O’Brien, both members in Washington, D.C. Early on, it was their interest, research, enthusiasm, and fundraising that became contagious in the D.C. area, … [Read more...] about 2014 Barry Dedication
2014 National Convention Information
The 2014 National Convention will take place in St. Louis, Mo. All information will be on the website JULY 30 – AUGUST 3, 2014 Location: All registration, events and convention sessions will take place at: Renaissance St Louis Grand Hotel 800 Washington Ave St. Louis, MO 63101 The limited special rate of $120 a night plus taxes (King or 2 Double). This special rate will apply until the cut-off date or when the room block is filled; at that point other rates may apply. Go to our RESERVATIONS page for details on how to register Travel: Lambert Saint Louis Airport … [Read more...] about 2014 National Convention Information
Immigration Alert
Now is the time to pass just and compassionate immigration reform Take Action! Send this electronic postcard to your U.S. Representatives and Senators asking that they pass just and compassionate immigration reform legislation in the 113th Congress. Simply click on the postcard below or the “Take Action” link on the right to send the postcard. Go to for more information. After you have sent the postcard to your Washington, DC lawmakers, forward this message to your email contacts throughout the country and urge them to send the e-card to their U.S. Senators … [Read more...] about Immigration Alert
Ancient Order of Hibernians Revisit An Gorta Mor Awards
An Gorta Mor Award APPLICATION Hibernian Hunger Project of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Funded Through the Hibernian Charity Description of Award “The An Gorta Mor Awards were created by The Ancient Order of Hibernians in America’s Hibernian Charity to honor the people of Ireland who survived the Great Hunger and initiated the Irish Diaspora, those who were forced to flee Ireland, in our case to North America, to survive the starvation and disease. It is our belief that no other people on earth have more awareness or empathy for those in need than the Irish and the foundation of the … [Read more...] about Ancient Order of Hibernians Revisit An Gorta Mor Awards
President Testimonial Dinner Pictures
Pictures from the National President's Testimonial Dinner in New York on October 5th. The pictures were taken by National Webmaster Joe McDonald … [Read more...] about President Testimonial Dinner Pictures
President's Message
Summer 2013 is just a memory and our divisions are now well into the whirl of activities that constitute the normal tempo for most. Your National Board has been in communication on a periodic basis through convenient and inexpensive conference calls. We have not only been able to touch base with each other in terms of issues, concerns, and the “business” of the Order, but have successfully used our many calls to present reports from various committee chairmen. Such updates have kept our elected and appointed officers apprised of current projects such as the Commodore Barry Memorial Dedication, … [Read more...] about President's Message
Immigration Reform
Your help on Comprehensive Immigration Reform is still needed. Sincere thanks to the many Hibernian Brothers and Sisters who have already made calls to their Congressional Representatives on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. If you have yet to make the call, here are the simple, yet important, steps: 1) Please call your member of the House of Representatives today. The number for the Congressional Switchboard is (202) 224-3121. 2) Give your zip code when requested and ask to speak to your Congressman’s Office. 3) When directed to that Office, ask to speak to the Legislation Officer … [Read more...] about Immigration Reform
President's Testimonial Dinner
Interim Meeting of the AOH National Board National President’s Testimonial Dinner Conferral of The Sean MacBride Humanitarian Award FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4TH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH See Below for Room and Function Reservations FRIDAY: Crowne Plaza Hotel 7 PM Welcome-“An Evening of Irish Entertainment and Hibernian Fellowship” One Hour Open Bar-Entertainment-Cash Bar SATURDAY: Crowne Plaza Hotel 9:30 AM National Board Meeting 5 PM Mass 6-7 PM … [Read more...] about President's Testimonial Dinner
Letter to Mayor Bloomberg Regarding Kevin Bell
June 20, 2013 The Honorable Michael R. Bloomberg Mayor, City of New York City Hall New York, NY 10007 Dear Mayor Bloomberg: As the National Anti-Defamation Chairman of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the oldest and largest Irish American Catholic Organization in America, I am writing to you regarding the tragic and reprehensible event that occurred on 16 June in the Bronx. As I hope you are by now aware, on that date a young Irish immigrant, Kevin Bell, was struck and killed by a hit-and-run motorist. The loss of anyone so young, especially by all accounts a … [Read more...] about Letter to Mayor Bloomberg Regarding Kevin Bell
A Letter from the Anti-Defamation Chair regarding comments made by Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee
OSU prez jabs Notre Dame, Catholics May 31, 2013 Governor John R. Kasich Riffe Center, 30th Floor 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6117 Governor Kasich: I am writing to you as the national Anti-Defamation Chairman of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, at 35,000 members the largest and oldest Irish Catholic Organization in America, regarding the recent comments by President E. Gordon Gee of Ohio State University. As you are no doubt aware, President Gee made comments at the school’s athletic council concerning negotiations that he had with the University of Notre Dame … [Read more...] about A Letter from the Anti-Defamation Chair regarding comments made by Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee
President's Message
Spring is the season of newness of growth, and of opportunity. Just as the lawns, trees and shrubs around us seem to take on new life, so, too, with each of us and with the AOH itself. In terms of growth, you should be aware that there are Hibernians in the State of Iowa, and they are increasing! Although it was February and we felt as though we were flying over the Polar Ice Cap, Danny O’Connell, our National Treasurer, and Patrick Sturdy, our National Legal Counsel, accompanied me to Dubuque to initiate new members, install a new division, and install a new county board. While the … [Read more...] about President's Message
Bobby Sands 32nd Anniversary
May 5th is the 32nd anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands in the H Blocks of Long Kesh Prison – AKA The University of Freedom. I recently returned from a trip to Belfast and Derry. I was there with a group of friends that are part of the FFAI - Freedom For All Ireland. On Good Friday we participated in a conference commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement that brought the end to the Troubles and peace to Northern Ireland. After the conference, we participated in the stations of the cross in Down Patrick. They were officiated by Father Sean Rogan who is … [Read more...] about Bobby Sands 32nd Anniversary
Good Friday Agreement 15th Anniversary Symposium
Date/Time: Thursday, May 23, 2013 6:00PM to 9:00PM Place: Cooper Union Great Hall/ The Foundation Building Seven E 7th St between 3rd and 4th ave New York, NY (View Map) Admission: ADMISSION IS FREE, but seating is limited Tickets will be required for seat reservations Click Here To Reserve Your Tickets Download Event Flyer (pdf) Share This Event … [Read more...] about Good Friday Agreement 15th Anniversary Symposium
Arsenal Dedication Video
Memorial stone dedication for the Arsenal Memorial in Congressional Cemetery in Washington, DC by AOH / LAOH with National Historian Mike McCormack and Sons of the Civil War representative Steve Hammond. Photo and Video by Keith Carney … [Read more...] about Arsenal Dedication Video
AOH Protests Spencer's
by Neil Cosgrove New York News | NYC Breaking News I regret to say that once again our proud and noble heritage is under attack by the forces of ignorance, prejudice and corporations that will peddle anything for a dollar. Once again Spencer’s, Urban Outfitters and Wal-Mart are selling shirts and novelties that seem to have sprung from the 19th Century pen of bigoted nativist cartoonist Thomas Nast. Among some of the items on offer this year: A hat with “Irish Girl Wasted” (Spencer’s) A green shamrock emblazoned shirt with “Everyone Loves a Drunk Slut” (Spencer’s) A shirt with … [Read more...] about AOH Protests Spencer's
Irish Way Study Abroad Program
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! The AOH National Board offers several scholarship opportunities for the children and grandchildren of its members. We ask that you please share this information on our scholarship programs with your membership at your next meeting or in your next newsletter or communication. Please also feel free to make copies of this letter and distribute it to your membership. Many thanks in advance for your assistance and cooperation with this request and endeavor. If you are no longer President, please pass this letter onto your successor. The Irish Way High School … [Read more...] about Irish Way Study Abroad Program
AOH Immigration Reform
On Sunday, March 3, 2013 Bronx County Division 5 Woodlawn, honored Retired Judge John P. Collins, Bronx Division 3 President Bob Nolan and my wife, Siobhan Dennehy, AOH JFK Medal awardee & Executive Director Emerald Isle Immigration Center. Division 5, a newly reorganized Division has a long history of leadership on Immigration reform and leadership. Along with his fellow honorees Judge Collins spoke to a capacity audience of clergy leaders, NYC elected officials, United Irish County Assn and AOH and LAOH National, State, County leaders. Judge Collins, now retired, is a lifelong Bronx … [Read more...] about AOH Immigration Reform
Presidential Proclamation — Irish-American Heritage Month, 2013
IRISH-AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2013 - - - - - - - BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION For more than two centuries, America has been made and remade by striving, hopeful immigrants looking for a chance to pursue their dreams. Millions among them were born in Ireland, separated from our shores but united by their belief in a better day. This month, we celebrate the Irish-American journey, and we reflect on the ways a nation so small has inspired so much in another. Generations of Irish left the land of their forebears to cast their fortunes with a young Republic. … [Read more...] about Presidential Proclamation — Irish-American Heritage Month, 2013