New City, New York – 3/3/14 – The Ancient Order of Hibernians calls on Disney/ABC to immediately apologize for the bigoted, stereotype ridden portrayal of Irish Americans and the denigration of the Catholic faith as depicted in their alleged comedy “The Real O’Neals” and to cancel this show which defames Irish Americans and mocks the Catholic faith. Per AOH National Anti-Defamation Chairman Neil Cosgrove: “We are outraged that Disney/ABC television has seen fit through its program “The Real O’Neals” to turn back the clock and engage in one of the worst examples of media bigotry targeting … [Read more...] about Statement from the AOH Natonal Anti-Defamation Chair on ABC Television's "Real O'Neals"
Speech by Brian O'Dwyer on receiving the Sean McBride Award – Oct. 3, 2015
President Moore, President Hogan, Amb. Jones, brother and sister Hibernians, friends, I am honored beyond belief to have been chosen for this award for two reasons. One it bears the name of the distinguished Nobel Peace Prize winner and fighter for Irish freedom Sean McBride. There is literally no one in Irish history that has done as much for Ireland and the world as Sean McBride and to receive an award in his name is truly a great honor. Second this award is given to me by my brother and sister Hibernians. I have been blessed by my membership in the Hibernians since my early years and … [Read more...] about Speech by Brian O'Dwyer on receiving the Sean McBride Award – Oct. 3, 2015
Support for a U.S. Postage Stamp Honoring the 1916 Proclamation
The American Irish Teachers Association is working to have a commemorative stamp issued in recognition of the Centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising. Such recognition is not without precedent, in 1989 the U.S. Postal Service recognized the 200th Anniversary of France’s Bastille Day and the start of the French Revolution, it is equally fitting that the Easter Rising should similarly be commemorated. Though often absent from school history books, Ireland was an early and unfailing supporter of the fledgling United State as noted by George Washington: "Ireland, thou friend of my country in my … [Read more...] about Support for a U.S. Postage Stamp Honoring the 1916 Proclamation
Statement from the National Political Education Chair Regarding CNN's Depiction of "the Troubles" in its series "the Seventies"
New City, New York – 8/3/2015– The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) The Ancient Order of Hibernians is both disappointed and saddened that CNN, a major news network, would in its recent episode of the series “The Seventies” entitled “The Golden Age of Terrorism” continue to perpetuate a sadly dated, skewed and inaccurate depiction of the struggle for freedom in Northern Ireland Per AOH Political Education Chair Neil F. Cosgrove: “It was hoped that CNN’s series “The Seventies” in its episode "The Golden Age of Terrorism" aired 7/30/15 would take advantage of the forty years that have … [Read more...] about Statement from the National Political Education Chair Regarding CNN's Depiction of "the Troubles" in its series "the Seventies"
The Ancient Order of Hibernians Denounces Florida’s Repeal of the MacBride Principles
New City, New York – 6/9/2015– The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) The Ancient Order of Hibernians denounces Florida’s recent decision to rescind its commitment to the MacBride Principles and the continued pursuit of justice and peace for the people of Northern Ireland. Per National AOH Political Education Chair Neil F. Cosgrove: The Seventeen years of relative peace in Northern Ireland that have resulted from the Good Friday Agreement have lulled the state of Florida into complacency as indicated by the state's renunciation of the MacBride Principles. Governor Scott and the … [Read more...] about The Ancient Order of Hibernians Denounces Florida’s Repeal of the MacBride Principles
Press Release from National President Brendan Moore Concerning BBC Panorama’s Documentary, “Britain's Secret Terror Deals”
New City, New York – 5/30/2015– The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) The Ancient Order of Hibernians commends the BBC current affairs program Panorama for shining a long overdue public spotlight on the British Government’s collusion through its organs of MI5, the British Army and the Royal Ulster Constabulary in dozens of murders during the Troubles in Northern Ireland; murders which through incessant bureaucratic stonewalling and cover-ups remain officially unsolved denying the victims' families closure and justice for decades. Per AOH National President Brendan Moore: “BBC's Panorama … [Read more...] about Press Release from National President Brendan Moore Concerning BBC Panorama’s Documentary, “Britain's Secret Terror Deals”
Save The Seraphs! Mater Dei Prep Catholic School closure threatened unless they raise $1,000,000 in 60 days!
NJ AOH Division 2 Monmouth for the past 9 years has run the AOH Polar Plunge for Catholic Education. During that time the Division has led 1000 students, faculty, clergy and family members into the freezing Atlantic Ocean each January. The event has raised over $800,000 with 100% being returned to the school for tuition assistance, projects, infrastructure and sports teams. Now AOH Member and Polar Plunge organizer Jim Shaw has been called upon by his Parish to help Save The Seraphs. The Mater Dei Prep High School in New Monmouth, NJ is threatened with closure unless they can raise … [Read more...] about Save The Seraphs! Mater Dei Prep Catholic School closure threatened unless they raise $1,000,000 in 60 days!
Walmart Apologizes/Pulls "Pashtun Papa", but Defend Products Defaming the Irish
Press Release For immediate release 3/03/2015 New City, New York – 3/03/15 – The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) The Ancient Order of Hibernians condemns Walmart for not addressing the legitimate concerns of Irish Americans and continuing to sell denigrating and defaming merchandise caricaturing and ridiculing Irish heritage and culture. The Hibernians find this particularly offensive given the deference and sensitivity Walmart has previously shown other heritages; a respect and courtesy that it appears Walmart consciously chooses to withhold from the Irish. Per AOH National … [Read more...] about Walmart Apologizes/Pulls "Pashtun Papa", but Defend Products Defaming the Irish
Press Release From Anti-Defamation Chair: Ancient Order of Hibernians Condemns Spencer’s Gifts for their Promotion of Defaming Irish Stereotypes, Denigration of Women and Promotion of St. Patrick’s Day Binge Drinking
For immediate release 2/23/2015 The Ancient Order of Hibernians Condemns Spencer’s Gifts for their Promotion of Defaming Irish Stereotypes, Denigration of Women and Promotion of St. Patrick’s Day Binge Drinking New City, New York – 2/23/15 – The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) The Ancient Order of Hibernians condemns the defaming Irish stereotypes and messages promoted by Spencer Gift’s “St. Pat’s” [sic] merchandise line and the attempts by Spencer’s to debase by their merchandise St. Patrick’s Day into an excuse for binge drinking and licentious behavior. The Hibernians also … [Read more...] about Press Release From Anti-Defamation Chair: Ancient Order of Hibernians Condemns Spencer’s Gifts for their Promotion of Defaming Irish Stereotypes, Denigration of Women and Promotion of St. Patrick’s Day Binge Drinking
In addressing the continued miscarriage of justice by the Diplock Courts of the British government, the National FFAI Co-Chairmen of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America are requesting the help and support of all of our Brothers, Sisters and supporters of Freedom For All Ireland in bringing closure to the unjust conviction of John Paul Wooten and Brendan McConville in the 2009 murder of PSNI Constable Steven Carroll in Craigavon, Co. Armagh. Both men have maintained their innocence since the day of their arrest. Despite the fact that the state legal team, charged with handling this … [Read more...] about JUSTICE FOR THE CRAIGAVON 2
Press Release from the Anti-Defamation Chairman concerning British Channel 4 TV Commissioning a Comedy Based on "The Great Hunger"
The Ancient Order of Hibernians condemns the commissioning of a new comedy series by Channel 4 Television Corporation entitled “Hungry” based on the events of Ireland’s “Great Hunger” also known as the Famine. The Ancient Order of Hibernians finds outrageous that an event in which, at minimum, one million Irish people died and another million were forced to emigrate should be considered by TV Channel 4 and writer Hugh Travers as a fit basis for a comedy series. Per AOH National Anti-Defamation Chairman Neil Cosgrove: “We sadly live in an age where outrageousness and insensitivity are now … [Read more...] about Press Release from the Anti-Defamation Chairman concerning British Channel 4 TV Commissioning a Comedy Based on "The Great Hunger"
AOH Immigration on Executive Action by President Obama
On November 20 2014, US President Barack Obama announced Executive Orders on Deferred Action for some immigrants. This serves as tremendous relief from threat of deportation for Irish families with US born Children. Also Irish work visa holders, as well as their spouses, now have eased ability to apply for permanent resident visas and move between jobs in the US, which was very difficult in the past. The Executive Order doesn't affect the undocumented status of those who arrived here after January 1 2010, parents of DACA eligible children or single Irish immigrants without US born … [Read more...] about AOH Immigration on Executive Action by President Obama
Don’t be “Tricked” into Supporting Irish Defamation in March, by purchasing from Spirit Halloween in October
In a few short weeks, millions of Americans, particularly children, will be engaged in the joyous celebration that is Halloween. This festive holiday is another of the gifts that Irish Immigrants have brought to America; its origin and customs dating back to the ancient Gaelic holiday of Samhain, which was not only the start of that culture’s new year, but had as its central message the struggle between the forces of light and darkness. It is with this in mind that the Ancient Order of Hibernians asks that all its members, their families and friends to boycott Spencer’s Gifts affiliate Spirit … [Read more...] about Don’t be “Tricked” into Supporting Irish Defamation in March, by purchasing from Spirit Halloween in October
Bill O'Reilly: "Part of the Fault is With the Irish" for Ethnic Stereotypes
Bill O'Reilly has thrown a challenge to all Hibernians; stating that part of the reason our Heritage is subjected to abuse that would not be tolerated if the target was any other ethnic group is because there is "No Organized Irish Concern" that defends Irish Heritage and culture. Well Mr. O'Reilly, there is a "Organized Irish Concern" that has been defending our faith and heritage since 1836: The Ancient Order of Hibernians. Brothers, how will you answer the challenge? Are we going to let it be said that we care less about our Heritage than other groups? Will we by our silence encourage … [Read more...] about Bill O'Reilly: "Part of the Fault is With the Irish" for Ethnic Stereotypes
Secretary Emeritus Tom McNabb Reconized By Congress
RECOGNIZING THOMAS MCNABB ON COMPLETION OF 30 YEARS AS THE NATIONAL SECRETARY OF THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS OF AMERICA HON. DANIEL B. MAFFEI OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, July 31, 2014 Mr. MAFFEI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today torecognize Thomas McNabb on his completion of 30 years as the National Secretary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of America (AOH). Thomas McNabb was born and raised in Auburn, New York, where he joined the Auburn Hibernian Division in 1955. Known as ‘‘Mr. Hibernian’’ around town, Tom has served his division in every capacity. He started many … [Read more...] about Secretary Emeritus Tom McNabb Reconized By Congress
Give Walmart Your "Input" as Regards Merchandise Defaming Irish Americans
Brothers, I would like to update you on an item from the last issue of Hibernian Digest. As you will recall Walmart was selling several shirts fostering negative stereotypes and promoting ignorant misrepresentations of Irish Americans. Among the items sold was a shirt “I May Not Be Irish, but I Can Drink Like One”, another “Blame the Irish for My Behavior” and finally what has to be the hands down winner in the questionable judgment/bad taste award the shamrock festooned “Irish I Could Drink” Maternity top. We had sent a letter on February 24th and were acknowledge with a case number that … [Read more...] about Give Walmart Your "Input" as Regards Merchandise Defaming Irish Americans
Barry Memorial Dedication
Video of the Barry Memorial Dedication that took place last month. … [Read more...] about Barry Memorial Dedication
Convention Clarification
Please be advised of the following correction and clarification in the call to convention. Requests for donations are required 30 day’s prior to the convention in accordance with: ARTICLE XXIV DONATIONS OR CONTRIBUTIONS: Section 1. No donation of $500.00 or more shall be made by the National Board without the National Secretary first submitting the matter to a vote of all members of the National Board. (By a majority of the members of the National Board Voting). No request for charitable contributions shall be considered at the National Convention unless it is first submitted to a committee … [Read more...] about Convention Clarification
Immigration Pin Presentations
It looks like the count for just 30 days last month will be over 100 current members out of 535 Members of Congress!!! That is no small feat! It's great that champions of our cause like Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and Bruce Morrison, were all at the beginning of the month and the month ended with Nancy Pelosi getting pinned. That's not counting other legislators, and people like Ambassador Anderson and CG Noel Kilkenny who wore theirs for the entire month! … [Read more...] about Immigration Pin Presentations
March is Irish American Heritage Month
Presidential Proclamation — Irish-American Heritage Month, 2014 Washington, D.C. (United States) (OFFICIAL WIRE) February 28, 2014 IRISH-AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2014 - – - – - – - BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Centuries after America welcomed the first sons and daughters of the Emerald Isle to our shores, Irish heritage continues to enrich our Nation. This month, we reflect on proud traditions handed down through the generations, and we celebrate the many threads of green woven into the red, white, and blue. Irish Americans have defended our country through … [Read more...] about March is Irish American Heritage Month