In response to a 2/14/18 letter from the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the bipartisan Friends of Ireland Caucus today issued a statement calling on the President to fulfill his commitment to appoint a Special Envoy to Northern Ireland. The Hibernians wish to thank Chairman Neal and all members of the caucus for once again being responsive to the concerns of Irish America and championing the cause of peace and justice in North of Ireland. Given the collapse of recent talks to restore the power-sharing government in Northern Ireland, the role of a fair and impartial intermediary so … [Read more...] about Hibernians Thank the Friends of Ireland Caucus For Calling for the Appointment of a Special Envoy to Northern Ireland
NY AOH Hosts Mark Thompson of Relatives for Justice’s
Mark Thompson ended a weeklong emergency American tour that generated a new Congressional initiative, five public events and formal proclamations of support by the New York State Senate, Assembly and local governments. Sponsored by the New York State Board, Ancient Order of Hibernians, the tour brought together other Irish American organizations, and commitments to help Relatives for Justice and the victims they represent break the deadlock on legacy truth. The emergency tour was an AOH response to crown moves to give British troopers and constabulary an amnesty, while denying Inquest … [Read more...] about NY AOH Hosts Mark Thompson of Relatives for Justice’s
From the Desk of President McKay 12/17
Brothers, Merry Christmas to you, your family and all your local Hibernians. In the midst of this giving season we are all receiving our AOH labels. What better time than the present to make a donation to the label program that supports our Hibernian Charities’. Once all the donations are collected, 100% of the proceeds will be donated in order to support specific Hibernian programs including: Hibernian disaster relief fund; Project St. Patrick vocation scholarships; National History Day; the Irish Way program and many more. Your donation, no matter how large or how small will go a long … [Read more...] about From the Desk of President McKay 12/17
Ancient Order of Hibernians Mourns the Passing of General James Cullen
The National President of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Judge James F. McKay has issued the following statement in response to the news of the passing of Brigadier General James Cullen: It is with deep sadness that the Ancient Order of Hibernians learned of the passing of Brigadier General James P. Cullen, Esq. after a courageous battle with illness. His passing is a loss to both America and Ireland. The story of General Cullen is in miniature the story of Irish America. He severed his country honorably in the United States Army. Starting from the rank of private soldier, by his … [Read more...] about Ancient Order of Hibernians Mourns the Passing of General James Cullen
President’s Veterans’ Day Message
Brothers, I would like to thank and congratulate all of the Veterans who belong to the AOH. We owe each of you a debt of gratitude. It is because of your work we enjoy the many freedoms we have in the United States of America. In honor of the Hibernian Veterans, I share a poem that National Veterans Affairs Chairman Jim Green sent along. I invite all Hibernians to watch this recording of the poem in honor of our Veterans: I Am a Veteran Also Thanks to Brother Green and Brother Cole, you will notice a change on our membership cards this year indicating Veteran Status for all … [Read more...] about President’s Veterans’ Day Message
Hibernians Give Newsweek’s Defaming Article an “F”
In his Newsweek article “Why Are All the Conservative Loudmouths Irish-American?”, Professor Van Gosse of Franklin & Marshall College gives us a textbook example of “Confirmation Bias”. Confirmation Bias is defined as “the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs”. In the trappings of academic scholarship, Professor Gosse instead gives us a window into his own and, by its publication, Newsweek’s offensive preconceptions towards Irish Americans. As a professor of history, one has to wonder how Professor Gosse would grade a paper from one of his students … [Read more...] about Hibernians Give Newsweek’s Defaming Article an “F”
New AOH Division form in Westchester, Thomas Addis Emmet Division 17
The formation of the Thomas Addis Emmet Division 17 of Pelham & New Rochelle, Westchester County of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) took place on Monday, October 16, 2017. The new division is comprised of the next generation of the Irish American community; 25 Iona College students ranging in age from 18 to 24. The division was organized by its charter president, James McGlashin who canvassed the campus and surrounding community for prospective members. In addition to the college members, there were additional members recruited from the surrounding communities of Pelham and New … [Read more...] about New AOH Division form in Westchester, Thomas Addis Emmet Division 17
Nothing “Wonderful” About Catholic Bigotry
The Ancient Order of Hibernians was established in 1836 to protect and defend Our Holy Mother, the Roman Catholic Church, from the violence and bigotry of anti-Catholic nativist mobs. While violent physical attacks on our churches have become largely a thing of the past, bigotry and disdain for the Catholic Church has not vanished; it hides in the shadows where it nurses on the darkness until its next opportunity to spread the poison of prejudice. On Friday evening, October 21, President Trump through twitter promoted the work of Dr. Robert Jeffress, a megachurch pastor of First Baptist … [Read more...] about Nothing “Wonderful” About Catholic Bigotry
The Hypocrisy of MSNBC in Their Defaming Profiling of Irish American Catholics
In reading Congresswoman Frederica Wilson’s claims that White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly is a racist because he compared her to an “empty barrel making the most noise”, an outrageous accusation to which MSNBC hosts Joy Reid and Lawrence O’Donnell attempted to give further credence by offering as “evidence” that General Kelly is an Irish American from Boston, I am reminded of the story of the astronomer Percival Lowell. In the 1890’s, Lowell grabbed headlines by announcing the discovery of “canals” on the planet Mars. Lowell asserted that the “canals” could only … [Read more...] about The Hypocrisy of MSNBC in Their Defaming Profiling of Irish American Catholics
AOH Helps the Hungry
Twenty-eight members of Division 3, Doylestown, Bucks County, PA, made the last of three food deliveries on June 23 for the needy of Bucks County. They are pictured moving the cases from the Weis Markets’ pallets and loading them into three groups in a truck and trailer. The organizer of the project, and long-time chairman of this ministry is brother Sean McArdle. The three agencies whose families benefit from the ministry are the Bucks County Housing Authority in Doylestown, The New Britain Baptist Church Larder and St. John the Baptist Church Kitchen in Ottsville. This activity occurs at … [Read more...] about AOH Helps the Hungry
AOH Update – JULY
From the Desk of President McKay ... Brothers, I'm just returning from D.C. where Senator Billy Lawless and I met with representatives from our National Homeland Security Agency concerning the many undocumented Irish born currently living in the United States. As many of you may know that figure could be anywhere from 35-50 thousand people. Many of these Irish born have been in residence for many years and have become hard working members of our community paying taxes and raising families just like you and I. With the attitude of our new administration toward this issue these undocumented … [Read more...] about AOH Update – JULY
The Situation in Northern Ireland
Brothers: It has been my intention to apprise you of the political event in Northern Ireland for some time. Unfortunately, every time I have attempted to do so, what I had written was made obsolescent by new events. At least as I write, here is the current political situation. The devolved government of Northern Ireland is in collapse.There has been no devolved local government in Northern Ireland since the resignation of Martin McGuinness in January.The key reasons for his resignations were DUP First Minister Arlene Foster’s refusal to step down without prejudice to … [Read more...] about The Situation in Northern Ireland
Medal of Honor Grove Update
Brothers, A few years ago we attempted to raise funds through the Hibernian Charity to do an upgrade at the Medal of Honor Grove in Valley Forge. At that time we were quoted a price of between $24,000 and $30,000 by different contractors but unfortunately we only raised about $12,000 to date. After much discussion and soul searching the committee decided to go forward with the project using our contacts in the Trade Unions, volunteers from the local AOH in the Delaware Valley, and anyone else who would help. Myself and Mick Dunleavy who started this project contacted other people and we … [Read more...] about Medal of Honor Grove Update
Political Education: With Britain’s Invocation of Article 50, AOH Renews Calls for Special Envoy to Northern Ireland
Today, the British Government of Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50 and began the process of the United Kingdom severing its relationship with the European Union, which includes among its members the Republic of Ireland. The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is extremely concerned for the implications this action will have for the people of the island of Ireland and repeats its call for the appointment of a U.S. Special Envoy to Northern Ireland. Ms. May’s decision to trigger Brexit against the backdrop of the current political crisis in Northern Ireland where recent elections … [Read more...] about Political Education: With Britain’s Invocation of Article 50, AOH Renews Calls for Special Envoy to Northern Ireland
Statement on the Passing of Martin McGuinness
The Ancient Order of Hibernians mourn the passing of former Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Martin McGuinness. Per AOH National President Judge James McKay “It is with deep sadness that the Ancient Order of Hibernians learned of the passing of Martin McGuinness. If the measure of a man is how much he has grown in his life; then it must be acknowledged that Martin McGuinness became a giant in his all too brief 66 years on this earth. In his youth, Martin McGuinness was filled with the passion of youth to fight injustice, injustice he witnessed personally as he saw peaceful … [Read more...] about Statement on the Passing of Martin McGuinness
Irish American Heritage Month: The Irish Contribution to America's Independance
DID YOU KNOW that when America was born, the Irish were there? The Irish, both Protestant and Catholic, were a major part of Washington’s volunteers from foot soldiers to high ranking officers. When increased Crown exploitation drove the colonists to protest, among the loudest were the Irish who had no great love for the Crown to begin with. And there were many Irish in America’s colonies. Among them were those who fought the English theft of their Irish lands and ended up hunted men; they were followed by those Catholics and Presbyterians who fled persecution by the Church of England. Some … [Read more...] about Irish American Heritage Month: The Irish Contribution to America's Independance
AOH Update – February
From the Desk of President McKay Brothers, The green season is upon us and we need every Hibernian to put our best foot forward. This is the time everyone celebrates their Irish Catholic Heritage just a little bit more than they do the rest of the year. This is why we are asking each and every Hibernian to recruit at least one new members by your April division meeting. Your recruit may be a family member, a friend, or someone you meet at the many St. Patrick Day Celebrations. Your job is to convey to your recruit the importance of celebrating our Irish heritage 365 days of the year. We need … [Read more...] about AOH Update – February
AOH Update – January
From the Desk of President McKay Brothers, Two weeks from today many Hibernians will converge on Washington DC for the annual Pro Life March and Hibernian Pro Life Breakfast. I am looking forward to seeing many of you there. It is also important that those of us unable to attend the march participate your local Pro Life events. I suggest that your next meeting will be a great time for additional focus on our Pro Life Efforts. Brother Walsh, National Pro Life Chairman has provided and update article below the included the details for the DC events. Why We March As we begin the New Year we are … [Read more...] about AOH Update – January
Why We March
“My March Each Year Is A Work of Mercy” Growing up as a public school kid in New Jersey, the March for Life was something I only heard about in our church bulletin once a year. It took until college at Catholic University for me to fully understand the reason behind the March; but even then I was critical of the effort, believing students were more eager to get a ‘day off’ than stand up for the unborn. While the numerous high school students sleeping in CUA’s gymnasium were impressive, I still felt most were either forced or coerced into attending a rally for issues they didn’t fully … [Read more...] about Why We March
Recruiting – Organizer’s Update
It’s no secret; Our Order has seen a substantial decrease in membership over the last ten years. Many factors attribute to the decrease; aging membership, lack of interest, failure to engage members, changes in society, generational differences, lack of recruiting, just to name a few. Take your pick, every division in the country has run into one, if not all of these problems. So let’s look at ways to solve some of these problems: Problem: Aging Membership: We need younger Members who are willing to ensure that Our Order will continue in the future. Answer: Customize your local recruiting … [Read more...] about Recruiting – Organizer’s Update